Monday, October 23, 2006

You're My Best Friend

Your My Best Friend
Originally uploaded by jweeks1970.
Bethany's t-shirt reads "You're My Best Friend This Week"
Not all of the time says her Dad.

Sunday, October 22, 2006

Bethany & Hannah

Bethany & Hannah
Originally uploaded by jweeks1970.
Bethant hugging Hannah.

Friday, October 13, 2006

Happy Hannah

Originally uploaded by jweeks1970.
Hannah showing of her toy microwave from her Auntie Rachel & Uncle Adrian.

Hannah with some of her presents

Originally uploaded by jweeks1970.
Hannah showing off some of her birthday presents.

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Hannah with some of her new Presents

Nice Coat from Nana & Grandpa
I can now help Daddy with the Hoovering

Nice Top & Trousers from my Auntie Martha

Hannah's 3rd Birthday

Hannah with her cake which her Daddy worked hard to bake and create.

Not bad I say!!